Rumba Mainframe Emulator _VERIFIED_
Rumba is a terminal emulation software program with user interface (UI) modernization properties. Rumba and Rumba+ allow users to connect to legacy systems (typically a mainframe) via desktop, web, and mobile. Rumba provides IT end users with a modern UI, allowing them to bypass green screen applications.
Rumba Mainframe Emulator
Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On: Logon ManagerACTUAL BEHAVIOR ESSO-LM client fails to respond to Microfocus Rumba 9.5 + 10 Mainframe emulator on Windows 10 Unable to get the ESSO-LM client to recognize the Rumba mainframe emulator.after creating templates for the Mainframe emulation software on a Windows 10 machine. The issue reproduces on version 9.5 and 10. EXPECTED BEHAVIORThe ESSO-LM client recognizes the mainframe emulator and injects the users credentials into the screens defined within the mainframe application template. STEPS
BUSINESS IMPACTThe issue has the following business impact:Due to this issue, users cannot use ESSO-LM single sign-on with the Micro Focus Rumba mainframe emulator. .
I am using Rumba+Desktop 10.1 on windows 64 bit pc with Excel 365 64 bit. I am trying to add a Mainframe emulator using Insert on "Developer" tab on Excel but the control "ObjectX Mainframe Display control" is not available(which is available in Excel 32 bit) so I also manually registered .ocx control and went back to register it but it gave an error "The specified file does not contain self registering Activex Control". Is there a substitute control I need to be referring too or is there a 64 bit version of Rumba +Desktop 10.1? Please assist.
SP1 should be rumba_HF_SP24069.msp.In the same directory you should see a file called RumbaAddon64.exeYou will need to install the RumbaAddon64.exe to work with 64bit Excel.The Addon comes with step by step instruction (Micro Focus Rumba+ 64-Bit Add-On.pdf)
Ericom's best-in-class PowerTerm Series terminal emulator products are an ideal alternative to terminal emulation packages such as Micro Focus Rumba, Reflection, and Extra (formerly Attachmate). Increasing enterprise-wide productivity, Ericom's terminal emulators enable organizations around the world to standardize on a single host access solution that supports the latest client operating systems - including Windows 10 / 11 / 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016 / 2019, as well as Mac / Linux.
Since 1993, Ericom's terminal emulators have provided thousands of organizations with reliable, secure and easy access to accounting, inventory, management, and other mission critical applications. Join the many businesses and organizations who have already made the switch! Contact us today to find out how PowerTerm can help your organization realize dramatic cost savings.
Mainframe integration allows interaction with various terminal based applications. These are typically legacy "green screen" applications which used to be accessed via a "dumb terminal". The applications run on a mainframe. On modern systems dumb terminals have been replaced by terminal emulators, which provide robotic automation capabilities.
Blueprism integrates with various terminal emulators either through various emulator specific COM API's or through the High Level Language API (HLLAPI). Blueprism currently supports the following emulators:
To Integrate with a mainframe application run the Application Modeller and select mainframe. Refer to the Mainframe Application Parameters help for further information on setting up mainframe applications
Once the terminal is loaded, the spy tool needs to be used to tell Blueprism where the terminal window is. After the terminal emulator window has been selected Blueprism will provide the user with a grid that divides this area into the correct number of rows and columns (eg 80x24). It is then possible to identify fields as rectangular sections of the screen by dragging the mouse. Finally to capture the fields into application manager the control key and left click combination is used whilst hovering over the desired field.
The send keys mainframe function takes a sequence of letters and control codes. For example if you want to send the keys 'u' 's' 'e' 'r' 'ENTER' then the following sequence can be used: "userenter". Send Keys Mainframe is available for the Micro Focus reflections .NET connector and HLLAPI emulators.
Believe it or not, mainframes are still the systems of choice for companies that need high-transaction throughput with guaranteed reliability and consistent data. Insurance companies, banks, and the retail, and transportation industries, for example.
According to Rosalind, a distinguished engineer at IBM, mainframes run all modern languages (Java, Swift, Node, etc.). Whatever you need to write your application; you can write it in that environment and then run it on the system.
I used to work for a large healthcare company that still used a mainframe application behind the scenes. Even though they had a browser-based application version, most customers refused to upgrade and use the new application because they were so proficient with data entry using the green screen application.
Chris Haggan a Rational Test Product Manager, mentioned in the comments that these days we would suggest Rational Integration Tester for mainframe service testing as that supports all the IBM Generic Service Client technologies as well as CICS, DPL, IMS, PL1, Cobol Copybook, and DB2/Z. As with the Generic Service Client, these tests can all be run at scale with Rational Performance Tester (which is where most testers would encounter Generic Service Client).
The only difference is that whole mainframe systems provide you with much more data. So you can get more info about how that application is performing, which is nice, but it can also be overwhelming if you don't know what to do with it.
The RUMBA software is a terminal emulating tool with a user interface (UI) that enables users to connect to the legacy systems such as mainframes by using only a desktop, the Web, or even a mobile device. The user interface of the software makes it possible to bypass green screen applications that IT end users practice. The terminal emulator is code free; no new code is needed to facilitate its use. There are also intuitive user interface elements that do not need any more codes such as drag and drop through the use of the mouse button. Customization settings can also be applied for multiple users.
The mainframe is a high performance and a high-speed computer system. It is used for larger scale computing purposes that requires great availability and security. It is mostly used in sectors like finance, insurance, retail and other critical areas where huge data are processed multiple times.
Mainframe Testing is a process of testing software applications and services based on Mainframe Systems. The purpose of mainframe testing is to ensure the performance, reliability and quality of software application or service by verification and validation methods and check if it is ready to deploy.
While performing Mainframe testing, the tester only needs to know about the navigations of the CICS screens. They are custom built for specific applications. Any changes made to the code in COBOL, JCL, etc. tester does not have to worry about the emulator set up on the machine. The changes that work on one terminal emulator will work on others.
As the pressure to perform and deliver new features and products grows, so too does the need to maintain a competitive edge while still operating on mainframes. But the need to test mainframes tends to hold up the innovation process.
While reliable, scalable, and great at supporting masses of data and transactions, mainframes are slow to change. They have changed very little over the last 20-30 years, and the processes for developing and testing them have also remained somewhat unchanged. This prevents businesses from keeping pace with competitors, and it prevents agility.
For banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) industries particularly, the transformation towards becoming digital-ready is not an easy one. The processes for testing mainframes are just as old as the technology itself, meaning innovating can prove to be difficult.
To meet the demands of the digital world, mainframe testing and development have to be modernized. One way to achieve the efficiency needed is to move away from manual testing and adopt newer practices and tools, like shift-left testing and test automation.
Part of this transition encompasses the type of automation tool you use for testing. This has a large influence over how fast the transition will be, the quality of development going forward, and how the time and skills of your team are distributed to achieve an agile mainframe development model.
Codeless automation. With no-code automation, there are a number of benefits. Technical and non-technical, mainframe developers and non-mainframe developers can build and update automation. Maintenance becomes much lower, and tests can be built faster. This eases the burden on scarce mainframe developer resources, making it possible for teams to scale automation on a level not possible with a code-based tool.
With the right processes and people, mainframe development and testing can produce better results. The development timeline can be shorted, quality will improve, and critical errors will be discovered before they make it to production.
It is always a pleasant surprise to find a product that does MORE than it advertises. I discovered "TN3270 Plus" while searching for a THIN Telnet3270 client I could use for the rare times I need to attach to our IBM mainframe. What I found was a great VT100 terminal emulator that is much better than the one I have been using 8 hours a day for the last two years. Oh, and the TN3270 connection worked on the first try. Your consistent user interface across 3270/5250/VT100 is intuitive and dependable. Your small footprint is a refreshing change from the bloated sizes of the Microsoft, Hummingbird and Attachmate terminal emulators.